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tennyson trail onto shephards trail.Isle of Wight.

Uploaded by keithmeyrick on Mar 06, 2012
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: Mountain Bike
Total climb: 1,204.07 ft Difficulty: Tough
Distance: 21.21km, 13.18 miles.   (11)

0mi1mi2mi3mi4mi5mi6mi7mi8mi9mi10mi11mi12mi13miDistance (13.18mi)0ft164ft328ft492ft656ft820ftElevation (ft)Highcharts.com

About trip

This is a great ride around the Tennyson trail and Brighstone forest,then leading onto the Shephard trail via Chillerton.There are lots of uphill and downhill sections that keep your heart pumping and some amazing scenery.

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