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Hinton st George - Somerset

Uploaded by PeterHadfield on Apr 17, 2019
Region: United Kingdom

Route type: walking
Total climb: 253.22 ft Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 3.19km, 1.98 miles.   (1)

About trip

A 2 mile stroll through the lanes and fields to the north-west of Hinton-st-George near Crewkwerne in Somerset. A good one for dog walkers!


The parking address takes you to the high street. This is more of an early evening stroll or dog walk, but a pleasant way to spend forty minutes. It can get a bit boggy in places after heavy rain.

The walk passes through the churchyard and it’s worth popping inside if you have time. The Poulett tomb is particularly impressive and there’s also a small brass that’s worth hunting out.

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